My Happy Marriage emerged as the standout romance anime of Summer 2023, drawing from Akumi Agitogi’s novel series to craft a narrative set in an alternate Meiji Restoration era infused with supernatural elements. Despite hailing from a relatively affluent background, Miyo has endured a tumultuous existence under the tyranny of her cruel stepmother, stepsister, and biological father. Desperate to rid themselves of her, her family orchestrates a potential marriage to a notorious military figure known for swiftly rejecting prospective wives—a rejection that could prove fatal for Miyo. However, Kiyoka, the intended groom, not only takes a liking to Miyo but also becomes captivated (and incensed) by her family’s mistreatment.
My Happy Marriage unflinchingly portrays the enduring impact of Miyo’s familial abuse, showcasing her struggle to reclaim her self-worth even within the refuge of Kiyoka’s companionship. Meanwhile, Kiyoka emerges as a complex character with hidden motivations underlying his initial interest in Miyo, though his affection for her appears genuine.
While the central focus on Miyo and Kiyoka’s relationship is heartwarming and endearing, the anime falters in other areas. The inclusion of supernatural elements may feel jarring at times, and the antagonists, while detestable, lack depth, rendering them somewhat one-dimensional.